1. I recently decided there are 3 things that help me feel good. They are so simple, and yet so easy to forget, or push aside for things that seem more urgent (or because I get lazy). They say writing down things, like goals, makes them more likely to become real, so I am giving it a try.
- Reading the scriptures. Currently, my goal is one chapter per day (in the Book of Mormon) and I can't believe how hard it is to be consistent! But, I do feel better when I am consistent.
- Exercise. Ever since I found out that Scott's work schedule would interfere with our half marathon, I've been pretty lazy on the running. I still go, just not as far or as fast as I should. It's sad, because I'm kind of wasting all the mileage I had built up. On the other hand, I've been pretty consistent on the ChaLEAN Extreme program, and I'm in the lean phase (last month out of 3) now. I really like the program, and I think it has worked pretty well for me. (It would work even better if I was as consistent with nutrition, and if I was as consistent on Ab workouts, I really don't like those.)
- Service. At first I was thinking just #1 and #2 were the keys to my personal happiness, but recent experiences have reminded me that NOTHING beats the feeling of knowing you have really helped someone. Sometimes it's a family member, sometimes it's a friend, sometimes it's a stranger. I could do a lot better at looking for opportunities to serve- again with the consistency.
**UPDATE: Kid-parent frustrations are one of the quickest and surest ways (for me) to be in a foul mood. And, I have to remember that getting sufficient sleep makes a big difference in my ability to be a better mom. Scott typically works 2 midnight shifts out of 10 days. I have the same troubles sleeping as when he's gone. I REALLY need to figure out a way to get myself to bed at a decent hour on those two nights. FYI- I'm pretty sure that when those 2 mids land on Friday and Saturday night- meaning Scott is sleeping or working for most of the weekend, and Tired Me is faced with 3 bored and energetic kids- it's the perfect storm for creating Mean Mom around here.**
2. Being a 'fun mom' is hard for me. Sad but true. We're pretty good at getting out and about to see and do, but I want to create more family memories in our home. I think that's as important as anything else we do for our kids. Today I ordered a subscription to Family Fun Magazine ($10 for a year, so I thought it was worth a try) after seeing it referenced on a few blogs. (I am attempting to study up on creating 'family fun'- can you say nerd!?)
The last several months, I got pretty good at being the 'authoritative mom' and the 'disciplinarian mom' (maybe those aren't quite the right descriptions, hopefully you get the picture), but 'fun mom' kind of got pushed out of the picture a bit. I'd say I felt 90% serious, 10% fun. (Hopefully the kids have a better impression of that time period.) Sometimes I think I'm still stuck in that 'mode'. Having Eden (and Andrew) back at school really has helped me unwind a little (I was wound pretty tight) and focus more on non-academic/non-serious, but still very important, family/parenting issues.
3. Maybe I'm not done unwinding seeing how I've spent almost an hour on this post, when I should have been blogging about any number of other things. Things that my kids would certainly rather read about if I ever get around to turning my blogging into blurbing.
4. New-girl syndrome has struck. One benefit of being so focused on homeschooling since we moved here was that I didn't notice and/or didn't care too much about making new friends. (Sure, we've met a lot of people, and made a few 'friends' and had some fun, but no real lasting connections yet.) Now that my head is above water again, I feel the feel the familiar sting. I miss my old friends and I'm not sure I'll ever find any as good as them. And at the same time I know it is (probably) only a matter of time before these feelings pass and I do feel like I fit in here and have made some real connections to people here. It's a comforting thought, but sad in a nostalgic way at the same time.
5. Boy, would I love to have a running partner again.
6. I have not touched the Hunger Games series yet. While the rest of the world (at least my facebook world) was submerged in Mockingjay, I sank into a couple books from a caterer murder mystery series Erin got me started on.
7. Scott and I are on the activites committe. (Now if I could just get a calling in the Sunday School, I think I'd have everything outside the priesthood on my New Member
**UPDATE: We went, we had fun, and I did remember to wear something that wouldn't show the sweating. But, with the full hour of square dancing, everyone was sweating anyway.**
8. I really thought BYU would defeat USAFA. Where did the team go after those first 2 touch-downs? (I have to admit I didn't pay enough attention to the game to have a real opinion on what happened after the first quarter.) Fortunately, the friends and the post-game food more than made up for BYU's poor performance. (Does remembering to bring the camera count for anything when I don't remember to TAKE A PICTURE? Nope.)
9. Since every one of our children has had their turn getting very lost (as in putting me into near-panic lost), Andrew decided it was time for seconds. {Actually, maybe he just thought his first experience didn't count since I didn't actually know I had lost him until a kind woman returned him to the group we were with. But that's another story.} We (me and the kids) were on our way back to our seats from the [outrageously price] kid-fun-zone. I didn't realize how close to the end of the game we were. As we were hiking up to the U sections, the flood started. (There had been a trickle of mostly BYU fans before this, but I just thought it was because BYU was playing THAT BAD.) Andrew had been running ahead of me (against my vocalized wishes). I was hoping he made it to our section (our seats were near the top, close to the main walkway on that level. But, when I go there (with Eden and Jake), NO ONE was there. Scott and the rest of our group had already started towards the parking. That's when I started to panic a little. I
10. I will not post this until I have posted something more fun.
**UPDATE: our desktop, which has all the pics, has a virus or something slowing it down A LOT, and this post is getting pretty out-dated, so I'm ignoring the self-challenge.**